Monday, October 10, 2011

Google Latitude Application Blackberry Travel Freeware

I think I will never stop to find new cool official products from Google and yes, as you can see in the title I’ve found a new cool application that uses the Google maps app. As you can see in the title, the application is named “Google Latitude” but I think that this is not a good name for such an application, I mean it should be something much subjective and now you may wonder what this application can do because of the non subjective title. Well, this BlackBerry Google Latitude application is kind of a socialization platform that uses the Google maps.

Ever wondered if you could keep in touch with your loved ones no matter where they are in the world. Although the solution to this problem is many, only a unique application has found a means to track the location of the person you are seeking at any point of the day. Google Latitude is the name of this application developed by Google, primarily designed to work on the Android platform it is now available for Blackberry phones as well. The richly loaded Blackberry phones will benefit heavily from the features of the Google latitude application.

Google latitude for Blackberry phones works in a very simple yet effective way. Firstly the user has to download the application through a link that will be sent to his mobile phone once the number has been entered in the site. This application once downloaded allows you to invite your friends whose locations you wish to track. The friends can be added from one’s Gmail contacts list also thereby saving time and effort. Once your friend has accepted your request to share his location, it is very easy for the user to see the friend’s location accurately and what he/she is doing, as the information needed is accurately portrayed on a map which is the home screen of Google latitude.

The privacy of the user’s location has also been taken care of in this application as one might think the user’s private life is at stake. Even upon accepting the request from a friend which allows him/her to see your location, the user has it up to his own discretion whether to allow his status to be visible to the friend or not. Such a facility brings to view the attention to detail that the Google team has put into developing this application. Along with where you are, what you are doing also can be posted through status messages that prove to be very helpful. There is also the facility to send an SMS an IM or en Email to the selected contact right from the Google Latitude interface. Another interesting feature is that one can use this software without even having a mobile phone. This means that if one wants another person without a mobile phone to view his/her position then the user can send this information though the iGoogle site, thereby negating the need for a mobile phone or a carrier connection.

With the latitude application Google has developed a very effective means of staying in touch with friends and family at the touch of a button.

I bet that it happened at last once to you to be in the situation of talking to someone on the phone and you had to explain the person you were talking where were you in that moment and sometimes this was taking you quite a long time so this app comes here to help you in those situations. Using Google maps as I said, it takes your current location and then you can share it with your friends and your friends can also do the same thing with you.

As the other apps from Google, this Google Latitude is free and you can get it from here.

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